Om Namah Sivaya!

Get inspired through my latest upload to my YouTube channel. I am sharing the whole Sivananda Yoga Class sequence with you in about two minutes.

A Sivananda class is structured as follows:
Initial relaxation – Savasana
Opening prayer
Breathing exercises – Pranayama
1. Kapalabhati
2. Anuloma Viloma
Sun salutations – Surya namaskar
12 basic postures – Asanas
1. Headstand – Sirsasana
2. Shoulderstand – Sarvangasana
3. Plough – Halasana
4. Fish – Matsyasana
5. Sitting Forward Bend – Paschimothanasana
6. Cobra – Bhujangasana
7. Locust (half/full) Salabhasana
8. Bow – Dhanurasana
9. Half Spinal Twist – Ardha Matsyendrasana
10. Crow or Peacock – Kakasana or Mayurasana
11. Standing Forward Bend – Pada Hasthasana
12. Triangle – Trikonasana
Final Relaxation – Savasana
Closing prayer

Om & Prem,
Marc Leonard, aka Shankara